Linode Xen Security Advisory (XSA),Critical Xen Maintenance / Reboot Schedule

Linode XEN主机将进行关键的XEN维护,为了XEN更新,主机与上面运行的Linodes必须重新启动。这次安全公告只影响传统的Xen Linodes。 KVM Linodes不受影响,并且不需要重新启动。在此之前的维修升级到KVM任何客户可以完全避免。您可以使用您的Linode的仪表板“升级到KVM”链接转移到KVM。

Linode has received a Xen Security Advisory (XSA) that requires us to perform updates to our legacy Xen host servers. In order to apply the updates, hosts and the Linodes running on them must be rebooted. The XSAs will be publicly released by the Xen project team on July 26th. We must complete this maintenance before then.

These security advisories only affect legacy Xen Linodes. KVM Linodes are not affected and do not require a reboot. Any customer that upgrades to KVM prior to the maintenance can avoid it entirely. You can use the “Upgrade to KVM” link in your Linode’s dashboard to move to KVM. More KVM upgrading information can be found here:


Linode称,在相同的硬件上KVM Linode比Xen Linode快得多,它的UnixBench测试显示,KVM的得分是Xen的三倍;KVM Linode完成内核编译的时间比Xen 少28%(实际表现可能更好,一位用户测试了KVM Linode,内核编译时间从 573秒减少到363秒),KVM的开销也比Xen低。


建议备份数据操作,关机、点击 Dashboard ,右下角 Upgrade toKVM 即可。


Tokyo, JP目前不支持KVM升级,这意味着东京Linodes将不得不接受时间表维护。在维护期间,Linode实例将被彻底关闭,而Linode将执行安全更新。在此期间,你的Linode将无法访问。预计是两个小时内完成,但是实际的等待时间要少得多。维护后,每个的Linode将被启动。

KVM is currently not available in Tokyo, which means Linodes in Tokyo will have to undergo maintenance on-schedule.

During the maintenance window, Linode instances will be cleanly shut down while we perform the updates. Your Linode will be inaccessible during this time. A two-hour window is allocated, however the actual downtime should be much less. After the maintenance, each Linode will then be booted.


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